Plan Mensual
We celebrate your presence in this space. If you’re here, it’s because you are pursuing the goal of becoming better and are willing to invest time and effort in cultivating that achievement within yourself.
We take on the loving responsibility of supporting and guiding you through the techniques of Kundalini Yoga and meditation so that you can achieve your personal goal.
We are happy to share these sacred technologies with you and accompany and support you with our voice, class after class.
All we ask from you is your sincerest effort and for you to begin without any pretensions, accepting your physical and mental reality in this moment, loving the being that you are. We assure you that this is the correct attitude to allow the practice of the technique to reveal the dimension of your current reality and help you know yourself as you are right now. Our promise is that with consistent practice, all aspects of your being will develop, and you will feel amazing.
To transmit our classes, we use the videoconferencing technology of "Zoom." To stay connected and communicate, you will be part of a "WhatsApp" group with all your classmates. This way, you will receive all the class information on your mobile, and you can ask us questions and share comments about your practice. We will always be here for you.
Your classes are part of a program we created to ensure that the results of your practice provide you with the opportunity to experience your emotions in balance, a mind more centered in the present moment, and to understand how your energy shifts and changes according to your practice and the quality of your mind.
You can start your experience with us at any time. There are no levels of practice in Kundalini Yoga.
Tu plan mensual incluye:
Clases semanales en Linea en vivo (vía zoom)
Your monthly plan includes:
Weekly Live Online Classes (via Zoom)
Two Kundalini Yoga classes at 5:00 AM (Colombia) (90-minute class)
Two Kundalini Yoga classes at 1:00 PM (Colombia) (90-minute class each)
Three Kundalini Yoga classes at 8:00 PM (Colombia) (90-minute class)
One Stretching class on Saturdays at 9:00 AM (Colombia) (90-minute class)
Access to recorded Kundalini Yoga and Meditation classes for the duration of your enrollment.
If you wish to dive deeper into the topic or want to learn more about the practice before making a decision, click here...
80 usd