At Ser Consciente Yoga, we understand the mind as the expression of neural and chemical connections in our brain. Through the practice of Kundalini Yoga, we seek to positively influence this brain chemistry, turning off the stress system and releasing blockages that limit our potential.

Our goal is to experience well-being, mental clarity, and achieve full personal development.

Join us on this page and discover how to awaken your consciousness to become the most authentic version of yourself.


Ser Consciente se compone de diferentes realidades


I am a master, a master of God.

I am at His service; He is my boss, and the only way I know to serve God is by serving you.
I am not a
master simply because I am at the service of God.
I am a
master because my service is to help you discover for yourself what there is to discover. My beliefs are not useful to you, just as my wisdom is not useful to you. What is useful to you is that you stop for a moment and observe your present moment from your deepest innocence, from your deepest “I don’t know,” and realize your reality and the consequences that your thoughts, words, and actions have on that reality.

But there is so much to observe that, in order not to get lost, a little help is beneficial. That is my service: all my love and all my patience focused on accompanying you on a journey to your inner self, telling you where to observe, and helping you understand what you are discovering. If there is something to discover, you will find it; if there is something to transform, you will discover it and make the decision. Only you can do what is necessary.


Woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and above all, human being.

Life has led me down paths of incredible learnings and constant challenges that have shaped the person I am today.

As a teenage mother, I completed my professional studies in psychology and later had the opportunity to create my own home with a wonderful human being who accepted me with my twin daughters and went from being a single man to a father in the blink of an eye.

Ten years later, we migrated from Colombia with three children and hearts full of love and expectations for the adventures that still await us.

I have always lived convinced that within each of us lies the potential to be, do, and live anything we desire; my spiritual journey began at a very young age, with moments more intense than others, until I decided, eight years ago, to study and learn the art of living in consciousness and presence.

SerConsciente came to me at the perfect moment, as if I had been preparing for this my entire life, and every experience from the past had happened to teach me a piece of what I needed to know to now be part of this wonderful project and team.

Being a student of SerConsciente has had a profound impact on my life, teaching me to live with fullness and gratitude. Through this process, I have gained the necessary tools to face both the internal and external challenges that arise in my daily life. This training has allowed me to cultivate a positive and resilient perspective, transforming my experiences and enabling me to approach each day with confidence and purpose.

Today, with great enthusiasm and a clear intention, I want to return to the world all the wonderful things I have received from it and offer society the opportunity to walk their path hand in hand with SerConsciente, benefiting from the incredible teachings it has to offer and thus facilitating a full life for everyone.


Hello! I’m María / Ardass Charan Kaur
I’m part of the SERCONSCIENTE/BECONSCIOUS team as a Kundalini yoga instructor and guide of our deep and powerful personal process.

I want to tell you that I am a woman whose life has been profoundly touched and transformed by the knowledge I now transmit, as well as by the technologies of Kundalini yoga.

I am an artist, a mother of two children, a wife, and a guide for personal self-awareness processes. I am a woman who has always felt the calling to find the highest and fullest meaning of our existence as humans on this magical planet 🌎😌✨. For years, I sought answers in various spiritual and energetic paths and technologies that nourished me with knowledge and experiences, helping me when I needed it the most...

However, the most important thing, and undoubtedly what gives meaning and well-being to my daily life as a mother, woman, daughter, wife, and therapist, is the joy and devotion for life that service awakens in me. This dedication allows me to transcend my own worries and problems, focusing on what truly matters. ✨

Service shows me that I AM YOU, that WE ARE THE SAME, that we can transform ourselves consciously, and that no matter how many times we need to rise again and start over! This is why I’m here, also working on myself, constantly self-observing, meditating, going deeper; daring to face everything that needs to be harmonized, healed, and integrated...




Today, I want to share with you a part of my story.
I’m a father of three children, a loving husband, and passionate about software programming. But what has truly transformed my life is my spiritual journey with the help of SerConsciente, a personal growth school.

A few years ago, I found myself stuck in the daily routine. My mind was filled with worries, and I often felt exhausted and disconnected. That’s when I discovered SerConsciente. Their training program provided me with tools to explore my inner self, to understand my thoughts and emotions on a deeper level.

Through the practice of Kundalini yoga, I learned to turn off my stress system and release blockages that limited my potential. Conscious breathing and postures helped me find mental clarity and emotional well-being. But the most important change was in my way of thinking. I began to see life from a more positive and compassionate perspective.

SerConsciente taught me to be kind and generous with myself and others. I learned to trust life and believe in my own abilities. My relationship with my family improved, and my creativity in programming blossomed. I discovered that spirituality is not something abstract, but a powerful tool to transform our reality.

Today, I can confidently say that my life has improved in unimaginable ways. I’m not only a better father and husband, but also a more authentic person, connected to my true self. So, I invite you to explore your own spiritual path, to open your hearts, and to awaken your consciousness. Life is full of possibilities, and we all deserve to live it to the fullest!

My story doesn't start with success or glory. It begins with poverty, scarcity, and a deep longing for something more than the daily routine. Despite living in limited conditions, reading and knowledge were always around me. Through self-study, I managed to achieve many of my material goals, but something was still missing.

At 25, despite my achievements, I found myself lost. I had everything many would wish for, but I was self-destructing, hurting those I loved the most, and, above all, myself. One night, surrounded by friends, a confrontation forced me to look within. It was that painful conversation that made me realize that, no matter how much I had accomplished, I wasn't happy.

It was then that I turned to God, asking for help with all my heart. The next day, my life changed. I embarked on a journey around the world as a backpacker, a path that led me to explore not only the outer world but also my own being. I lived in solitude, practicing yoga and meditation, without money, without possessions, focusing on my personal transformation.

After years of study and growth, I realized that the true task wasn't to escape the world, but to learn how to live in it consciously and in balance. I returned to the system, became a father, a husband, a businessman, but with a clear purpose: to apply what I had learned and maintain balance.

Today, I can affirm that living well, fully, is accessible to everyone. You don't need a 25-year journey like mine to discover it, which is why I created, to guide you on the path of self-knowledge, conscious transformation, and true personal fulfillment.

I don't know what you need to transform or where you are, but I do know that together, we can discover it. I offer you my guidance, my experience, and my love. Are you ready to discover the path to your fulfilling life?


Mi nombre es Natalia Ariza y quiero contarles mi historia. Soy una exploradora incansable, una amante de la humanidad y del mundo que habitamos. Desde siempre he sentido una profunda curiosidad por entender cómo interactuamos entre nosotros y con nuestro entorno. Mi vida ha sido una constante búsqueda de crecimiento personal y espiritual, cuestionándome sobre cómo liberarnos de las cargas que llevamos y cómo alcanzar nuestro máximo potencial en este cuerpo, como mujer, como persona, como amiga, como hija, como compañera y cómplice en la vida.

Desde que tengo memoria, María ha sido parte fundamental de mi camino. Nos conocemos desde la infancia, y aunque no compartimos sangre, somos hermanas de alma. María siempre ha estado ahí, guiándome y mostrándome lo que a veces no podía ver o escuchar por mí misma. Su presencia ha sido clave en mi desarrollo como ser humano y en mi búsqueda espiritual, ayudándome a enfrentar mis sombras y a encontrar luz en los momentos más oscuros.

En ese recorrido de autoconocimiento, apareció Esteban en la vida de María, y pronto también en la mía. Él se convirtió en un amigo, un maestro, y mi guía espiritual. Su método, "Ser Consciente", revolucionó por completo mi vida. Gracias a él, descubrí el poder que tengo para crear la vida que deseo, para manifestar mis sueños y dirigir mi existencia hacia lo que verdaderamente anhelo. Esteban ha sido mi apoyo incondicional, y su programa ha sido una herramienta transformadora que me ayudó a convertirme en la diosa de mi propia realidad.

Siempre he sentido un llamado profundo por las humanidades, y mi misión en este mundo es servir a los demás. Recuerdo que un día, en una de nuestras largas conversaciones, Esteban me dijo: "Vamos a darle una mano a la divinidad, a expandir este conocimiento para quienes estén listos para recibirlo". Esa idea resonó profundamente en mí, y supe que ese era mi lugar.

Hoy, formo parte de un equipo increíble, compuesto por seres que parecen superhéroes, todos comprometidos con la misión de ayudar a las personas a cambiar sus hábitos, sus pensamientos, y su manera de relacionarse con el mundo para alcanzar su máximo potencial. Creemos que cuando una persona mejora, su transformación se expande como ondas que tocan a todos a su alrededor. Nuestra visión es simple: si logramos que una persona esté bien, todos estaremos mejor.

Mi propósito aquí es claro: quiero contribuir a nuestra expansión, a transformar mentalidades y a descubrir nuestro máximo potencial, para elevar la existencia humana y que todos podamos vibrar alto y ser verdaderamente felices.

Find your path to live fully, now!

We are here to support you.