Spiritual Counseling

Whether we find ourselves in the middle of a crisis and don't know how to get out of it, or we're in a moment of great inspiration and feel willing to do "anything" to substantially improve our life, there are times when we wish someone could listen to us and help us find clarity. Someone who allows us to understand the moment we're in so we can see what the next step is, which direction to take, and the path to continue on.

Esteban will listen to you like no one has ever listened before—without judgment, with total attention, and with all the love. For as long as it takes you to share what you're going through internally, he will ask the necessary questions to help you go deep within yourself and express everything—leaving nothing behind. While listening, he will calibrate and apply all his wisdom to decipher your present moment and understand where you are in your personal development.

At the end, when you feel emptied, when you have nothing left to say, Esteban will speak, and you will listen…

Prepare a comfortable, intimate space where you feel calm and confident. Set aside two or three hours of your time and get ready for this conversation to be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for to set your life in motion.

Activate it by sending the word "Counseling."

75 usd

Spiritual Counseling

75 usd

Activate it by sending the word "Counseling."