Emotional Benefits
Kundalini yoga is an ancient practice that seeks to balance body, mind, and spirit. It focuses on stimulating the kundalini energy, raising it through the spine, and transforming it into a source of life and creativity. This practice offers numerous emotional benefits for those who practice it regularly.
Esteban Murillo Hernandez
Endocrine System
Emotions are closely connected to the endocrine system, which governs our hormones. Every emotional expression we experience—from fear to love—is defined by the production of neurotransmitters, peptides, and hormones that travel through our bloodstream, reaching every part of our body. This hormonal production is often influenced by the quality of our thoughts. From our sensory experience, we call this hormonal journey "emotion."
At serconsciente.yoga, we emphasize the incredible capacity of Kundalini yoga to deactivate the stress system. Through our practice, we use yoga as a tool to stop psychological fear from negatively influencing our lives. We aim to empower the amygdala—the brain's fear-processing gland—to release its negative grip caused by fear and shift towards fostering positive emotions. These emotions help us trust in life, believe in the people who share this planet with us, and have faith in our ability to achieve our dreams.
The Chemistry of Love!
Central Nervous System
The benefits derived from improved blood circulation and postural correction, which result from the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and brain, combined with the elimination of the neuronal block created by the amygdala during the activation of the stress system, positively affect the brain. As a result, you will experience an increase in concentration, improved memory, and enhanced cognitive abilities. Additionally, your response to stressful stimuli will improve, giving you a few precious seconds before reacting to what bothers you. These seconds are invaluable, as they allow you the time to decide on the best course of action.
Through regular practice, you can increase your self-esteem, connect with your inner strength, and cultivate greater confidence. We aim to help you increase your sense of well-being and your ability to face daily challenges with resilience and clarity.
Our students have shared how they have seen improvements in their interpersonal relationships, experiencing an increase in positive energy and inner confidence. Communication and empathy towards others improve, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation, which enhances the quality of relationships.
One of our favorite benefits of practicing Kundalini yoga is the improvement in self-acceptance and self-awareness. By exploring your mind and body through practice, you can learn to accept your body and mind as they are, freeing yourself from emotional blockages and allowing for greater self-expression.
Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Effects
Scientific studies of Kundalini yoga have shown that it increases serotonin and dopamine levels, which has a positive effect on mood. Additionally, it helps reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which explains why Kundalini yoga can help reduce depression and alleviate anxiety.